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Double Helix

July 27, 2011

the butterfly effect is another word for karma
depending on perspective and dialect,
all see change through a different lens
the causation equation is the law of nature
life is the force and breath is the fuel
respiration and perspiration
photosynthesis or telekinesis
the natural course of the winding river
a fractal field each twig reveals
in wind hear echoes of a frost swept forest
waiting patiently for summer sun
ascending pointed peaks above the trees
then a glacial glissade granted only by gravity
such gifts are these and how blessed are we
to participate daily in earth mamma’s song

Thank you Thursday Poets Rally! It’s been fun.

I would like to nominate Joel Hall <; for the next award.

From → Poems

  1. Wonderful writing! Beautiful lines, one ofter the other. A fabulous piece of work. Hat off, I bow to you!

  2. life sings in your senses, well done.

    welcome and Happy Potluck.

  3. Agree with you here…we see life thru different lens ~

    your last line was uplifting ~

  4. Magnificent use of imagery. Enjoyed it. 🙂

  5. Berthing free verse, love the nature theme!

  6. A perfect poem about the world and its connections. Reminded me of the movie Avatar, how everything on Pandora was so well connected. I sound like such a geek saying that haha.

  7. Life is such an amazing miracle. I read that in your poem.

  8. “then a glacial glissade granted only by gravity”…
    very nice.

  9. This is not only full of wisdom but lots of color in transformation! And last but not least, the structure of your poetry is wonderful in this one! Cindy

  10. Isn’t it a gift to truly be amazed at the power, the mystique, and the magic of our earth and all of her powers. Your prose captures it all, beautifully,
    Thanks for visiting me, too.

  11. An intelligent and inspiring poem. Very smart and beautiful.

  12. Clever. I loved the glacial glissade granted only by gravity.

  13. This resonates with me and I feel your words. Happy to have found you. Beautiful poetry friend.

  14. Thank you all for your comments and thanks for reading my poetry. All of your words are encouraging and so kind! Much love, -Derek

  15. Lovely word choice–enjoyed the interplay between the title and the opening lines.

  16. Excellent piece of prose. Enjoyed it!

  17. a beautiful poems from many perspectives

  18. What a beautiful poem with very clever alliteration.
    I really enjoyed reading this.

    Thanks for sharing 🙂

  19. Thrive with RA™ permalink

    Well-written prose. Thank you for sharing!

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